Who is Max Crystal Skull?
MAX, the Crystal Skull
By Debbie Smoker, R.Ht.
(June/July 95 issue, (New Avenues)
Believed to be between 5,000 and 36,000 years old, Max is known to be one of the 13 ancient crystal skulls of the world. Interestingly, they were all found in Central America and Mexico. Much research is currently being done on the skulls. However, their origin is still a baffling mystery. They seem to defy logic. Everything that is known about lapidary work indicates that the skulls should have been shattered fractured, or fallen apart when carved.
בדיקה מקצועית של הליטוש מצביעה על כך שהגולגולות היו צריכות להיסדק ולהישבר כתוצאה מתהליך הגילוף.